== Configuration == To use this module, you install and enable it in admin/modules. Taxonomy_xml functions are available to users who have the access right to "administer taxonomy." (User access rights can be set from admin/user/configure/permission.) New options will become available under /admin/structure/taxonomy/import /admin/structure/taxonomy/export == Installation (semi-optional) == The RDF format functions require the download and install of the ARC parser. http://arc.semsol.org/ This can be installed EITHER : Into a shared library location (recommended) by installing arc2 in sites/all/libraries/arc OR in a subdirectory of this module as modules/taxonomy_xml/arc so the file modules/taxonomy_xml/arc/ARC2.php ... and others are available there To Install ARC2: - Visit https://github.com/semsol/arc2 - Download the current release, eg from https://github.com/semsol/arc2 - place it in your sites/all/libraries folder (make it if needed) - unzip it [ cd sites/all mkdir libraries cd libraries/ wget https://github.com/semsol/arc2/tarball/master -O semsol-arc2.tar.gz tar -xzf semsol-arc.tar.gz mv semsol-arc2-*/ arc ls arc ] == Installation (semi-optional 2) == To import huge remote vocabularies, structure support is only possible if you use the rdf module http://drupal.org/project/rdf and more, as described in help/rdf.html ============================= See the help folder for more.